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It’s another poem today. I do have other types of blog posts planned but I’m still in the researching/planning phase and, now that I’m back at work, that’s slow going.

I’ve mentioned my car accident in an earlier post and spoken a little of my traumatic brain injury. I’ll spare you a litany of my ills but will say life with a TBI is difficult. These difficulties combined with the chronic pain from my other injuries makes it easy for me to get overwhelmed. I was feeling overwhelmed this weekend because of a task I had to complete and wasn’t sure what to do, how I’d find the information I needed, if I’d even be able to complete it, and a poem began to form.

I’m calling this one Idiom and wish to note this poem is in no way intended to condone the eating of elephants 😉 Rather, I hope it encourages anyone going through a difficult time.


Now I sit me down to work

For I must complete this task

And I hope that it goes seamlessly

Is that too much to ask?

I’m not sure that I have all I need

Or if I can ever get this right

But I cannot eat an elephant

Without taking this first bite.

A long road lies before me

I’m exhausted before I start

There is no other option

But to somehow find the heart

That will enable to me to walk it.

It winds as far as I can see

But I know it’s one step at a time

That completes a thousand mile journey.

A great darkness falls around me

Rock walls encompass me left and right

I can barely see the next step

Moving forward takes all my might.

I fear what could wait up ahead

What enemies, pain, and strife

But I also know it’s on death’s valley floor

Where I gather the Pearls of Life.